Ok,this is for you guys to refer to..all the best guys!

Young people is one of the most easily influenced people among all ages of people. Therefore, the amount of violence shown on TV will effect the mind development and behaviour of the youngsters.
Firstly, the amount of violence shown on TV will effect their mind development as they are easy to be influence. They will get the wrong idea of how the society and the world works. For an instance, negative thoughts about the society will be develop and the youngsters will
have a tendency to hate the society. Other than that, youngsters could even be traumatized by the violence shown on TV. At a young age, they are still new to the outside world, by watching violence on TV, they will develop fear and trauma to face the society which then will affect their behaviour. Thus, mind development of the youth will be affected by the amount of violence shown on TV.
Next, the amount of violence shown on TV can also contribute to the social and moral development of the youngsters or in other word,their behaviour. The youngsters may be influenced by the violence shown and will lead to moral problems such as gangsterism and bullying. Moreover, youngsters who are traumatized by these will then lead a life isolating themselves from the society. This will lead to lack of social skills which then cause social problems. Therefore, the amount of violence shown on TV gives big impact on ones behaviour.
As a conclusion, the mind development and behaviour of young people can be affected by the amount of violence shown on TV.
(268 words)