these past few days rase cm down and moody gile...UPSET GILER!!
I hate feeling this way but I already did...
I thought of studying but the fact of the study itself makes me mad coz it reminds me of the other person who is studying...
and to think that
I don't wanna disturb Mr. Valentine b'coz he was having exams...
I don't wanna disturb Mr. Valentine b'coz he was having exams...
Trying not to be clingy and everything since he said he don't have a heart...
Well Mr. If you don't have a heart, how come you have a crush??? haa???
That means you actually have a heart...
"I don't have a heart" la sangat kan....
I malas nak condemn ke, ape ke,nnti kate I clingy and mengongkong pulak..
And the "I need my space" pn he will ckp...
I had to write this for the sake of not getting mad...
I malas nak Ckp kat him dah...
You dah besar panjang, so pandai-pandai la jage diri and jage your so-called not existed heart...
You'll probably got mad and say "It is up to me to do anything and we're not even together" when you read this...
And probably you'll say "You shouldn't write something like that on9" or "it is up to you to say anything,I don't have a heart"..
What ever...
Lantak la you cakap ape pn..my point is..
I penat...And I x tulis post nie for you to read pown...
this is my expression of feelings and kalau you terase maaf laa...
I xniat pn nak ckap kat you..nie just for my friends yang nak dengar my thoughts...kn3?
Dah laa...malas laa nak layan perasaan cmni now...
kacau mood exam...KACAU!
Love you guys for reading!!!<3