Wah3! It has been a month already?!! How time flies... It's already syawal and I hope you guys had a great syawal..!! The truth is...
I am kinda sad that Ramadhan had left us. I felt like I've missed a lot of opportunity back then. Now I wish I still have a chance to enjoy Ramadhan next year(InsyaAllah). Now, during Ramadhan, I've learnt that everything takes great effort and patients. Even eating!(SERIOUSLY!!) I met a few old dear friends during this Ramadhan and how I missed them(like seriously). Well...ape-ape pown, at least i got the chance to meet them! yay me!!(Now I sound like London) Balek cuti raye....hmm....x tau la nak cakap ape...I have lots of things to say but nothing to say...do you know what
I mean??(kalu xpham tu buat2 la paham ek) I wanna sambung my story but I got writers block. So the next chapter will be a little bit late(plus I am too BZ!)
Speaking bout busy...ha..lepas Raye nie ade LengLui Night khas 4 the Ladies kat CFS Nilai ea. The theme is 1001 night. There will be prizes to be grab and the best dressed among the audience will be rewarded!! So hurry up ladies! Bring your best clothes after raya and show your best style!!(ceh,cam iklan radio pun ade).