Sep 29, 2012

To my future husband

My house,
The state I live in,
The country I am living in.

September 29th 2012
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

     Dear future husband,
I hope you are in great health and continue having a great time as the slave of Allah. Don't worry about me. I am just fine, thank you. The reason I wrote this letter to you is because I want to tell you that I am going to be your future wife and I hope you can and will bear with me.

     Firstly, congratulations for being my husband. Though it is not something that is worth congratulating.  Next, I don't love you.

No point of posting...

Every time I felt sad and in grief..I always end up wanting to write a post...then at last...I end up not finishing it and not posting it..because well..I don't feel the point of posting it...If people really want to know me, talk to me. Tell me. And what I feel is not something that I should tell every one. I just du'a for something from Allah today while I cried. Prayed hard that Allah will take away my feelings towards other people than my family and Muhammad s.a.w.

Sep 14, 2012

I will always stay...

No matter how far you go... I will always be here... I will always stay...
So when you feel like you need me... you can reach me... I am not going anywhere...
Not moving... I will always stay...

Sep 12, 2012

Hari ini dalam sejarah

Some things are easier said than done...right?

Perasaan kasih sayang dan cinta itu lahir dari hati... ia kurniaan Allah...

Sejauh mana pun kita cube menolaknye, kita tetap merasakannya...

Namun bukan dalam bidang kuasa kita untuk memaksa mereka yang kita sayang dan cinta untuk membalas perasaan kita...


Say My Name
